Hi, & what a friendly forum I appear to have stumbled upon. Thanks for the warm welcome.
I'm a solo camper, last year (2010) marked my return to camping, as I used to camp when I was younger.
I'm in my (very) early 30s, & I'm into my car. I drive a 27 year old car, which I keep in good condition, as it qualifies as a classic & I take it to steam rallies, where I also do much of my camping.
So yes, I am a car camper. I am quite traditional with it though, I don't do electric hook-up, although I do carry an inverter just in case, & I love my real canvas tents, I just wish I could get one that's a bit smaller.
Last year I took my self, a brand new Regatta tent from argos & a 1973 BMW 2002-touring off to France for 5 weeks budget camping. This was my baptism of fire, as a born-again camper.
You can see a blog of my trip here:
http://nutgonegoescamping.blogspot.com/Anyway, that's enough from me, if anyone wants to know more, just ask. I've yet to have a really good look round here, but what I've seen so far is lovely. Keep up the good work.
regards, nutgone