hi all,love my bongo and we try and get away as much as possible.dont know much about your site,but so far looks very interesting.any thing to do with camping out and im there.look forward to joining in.

This is the place for you then! We are a bunch of loonie camperholics who get out there! Just have a look at the meets threads. There are usually a lot more of us posting up, but the majority of our members are all off gallivanting around the country and doing the camping thing! We really are proud to boast that we have some of the nicest folk around on this forum, people who are serious about their camping but all as mad as hatters! None more so than me! We think that we are a little different from most forums in the way we are 'open'. You can even promote another forum or your business here. You can plan and promote your own meet or hobby...Whatever! The only thing we don't do is use bad language in our posts or allow any kind of abuse. Start your own thread if you wish....there is already a board for Bongo's that needs some input. We are of course looking for 'doers', folk that will add stuff to the forum, so fill your boots and go for it!