geoff and ann
« on: March 09, 2013, 12:51:07 pm » |
I started camping with my parants in the fiftys mostly us three youngest. we had canvas tents of the ridge typ green colour verry heavy thick wooden poles and pegs dad used to make his own if they broke to save mony we had to go round on wet days to slacken/tighten the guyes depending on the weather. started again in 1972 when our second child was born she was 2 months old up in Rhyl two weeks of thunder storms at night 4 hours dry in the day it was Anns baptism to tenting we still have tents and caravan do both when we can.
 "Driftingcloud" never lost just looking around Touareg canvas tent Colman Sahara 4 Outwel Indiana 4 [Boston 4 small 2 man 2002 Swift Challenger 550 es DILLIGAFF