The Rebel Camper
Posts: 4389
The Rebel
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« on: February 01, 2013, 08:44:23 am » |
You can look back at your first camping expeience, with fond or not so fond memories..
I think it has got a lot less snooty Eg When I first camped with my parents in the 1970s the Caravan Club were very posh. You had to have a caravan, motorhomes and tens were not allowed. Now CC accept different types of units and have a tent field quite often - nice facilities for Tenters, but quite pricey. I am a member of the CC now and they are just as good if not better than the C and CC. But on another personal aspect, camping for me has become quite different. I like wild camping now and not paying anything for sites. I wild camp nearly all the time. £20 + a night for a patch of tarmac - what a RIP OFF. I would rather park in the road outside and sleep there for free, one strip of tarmac is as good as any other for me 
The Rebel Camper
Posts: 4389
The Rebel
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I have found the opposite, with regard to this so called snootyness.
I understand the clubs have relaxed membership criteria, by allowing different units to join with them, but even now I actually experience a certain level of snobbery with some campers... An example being just last June at GREENHILLS me, walking through the site, saw a couple cooking breakfast on one of those griddle cookers.. as I approached I said good morning... with that the mans wife said come in and have your tea George, looking at me in absolupt horror, that I even had the cheek to talk to them...
I put it down to my deoderant...pmsl
When on a meet with a forum I never ever had this,
Jo Parker
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We prefer C&CC THS sites , very few rules and people are so friendly. Going away for a month in June , heading up the East coast, across Scotland then down through the lakes , finishing up at Fleetwood . Mostly using THS as they are soooooo much cheaper. We were going to Guernsey IN A HOTEL  but the cost for a week would of cost us nearly £2,000 as the hotels are only bed and breakfast  (that's with air fare) Would much rather go in van anyway as you can sleep when you want and eat when you you don't need to get dolled up for dinner 
 Indian name "Standing Rock"
A lot depends on the site. You still do get some snooty people on CC sites.
The organisation is a lot better than it used to be though. Having said that, I've only been on about 10 sites in the past three years.
I just don't need sites any more. Wild camping is definitely the way to go.
The Rebel Camper
Posts: 4389
The Rebel
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Why not share your experiences with us, when did you start camping... was it in the scouts or other organisation?
The Rebel Camper
Posts: 4389
The Rebel
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So there are campers that cant remember  or are thiere experiences so saucy i need to get an X rating!
Posts: 1646
"Life walker"
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Some close friends convinced us to try tenting probably seven years'or so ago. I got a free dome tent as a gift from work for a service award. tried it, loved it and then did the usual tents to trailer tent to tin tent. next to try is a motor home. 
2011 Swift Corniche 15/4 Indian Name - LifeWalker
The Rebel Camper
Posts: 4389
The Rebel
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Some close friends convinced us to try tenting probably seven years'or so ago. I got a free dome tent as a gift from work for a service award. tried it, loved it and then did the usual tents to trailer tent to tin tent. next to try is a motor home.  I can see you in a winnie....  But in all honesty I get a better nights sleep in a TENT... I like the caravan... but too much at home niceties...
I used to sleep out a lot under the stars.
Even if I had a car or tent with me. It's quite nice to sleep out with nothing above you if it's a nice night.
Ian Stockley
I used to sleep out a lot under the stars.
Even if I had a car or tent with me. It's quite nice to sleep out with nothing above you if it's a nice night.
Hi Chum, didnt know you were on here as well as SMHC. I used to sleep under the stars a lot and insisted that the kids did too! Its a wonderful experience looking up at the sky with a soft breeze on you.everyone should do it at least once in life.
geoff and ann
I started camping with my parants in the fiftys mostly us three youngest. we had canvas tents of the ridge typ green colour verry heavy thick wooden poles and pegs dad used to make his own if they broke to save mony we had to go round on wet days to slacken/tighten the guyes depending on the weather. started again in 1972 when our second child was born she was 2 months old up in Rhyl two weeks of thunder storms at night 4 hours dry in the day it was Anns baptism to tenting we still have tents and caravan do both when we can.
 "Driftingcloud" never lost just looking around Touareg canvas tent Colman Sahara 4 Outwel Indiana 4 [Boston 4 small 2 man 2002 Swift Challenger 550 es DILLIGAFF